Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Session 2: My favourite piece of technology

Well, my favourite piece of technology is my laptop, I got it in my 19's birthday, when I was studying Biomedical Engineering (2007), my parents gave it to me. (and I was so happy! jajaja)

I use my laptop chiefly to revise universitary documents, save photos, speak by msn with my boyfriend, view my facebook and my e-mail and send e-mails too. Ultimately also I have used my laptop to buy tickets by internet.

I'm used to using it everyday, if I have time, because these last weeks I have been studying all day long and I only turned on my laptop to see my marks.

I love my laptop, because thanks to it, I can know about my boyfriend, view many things, like news, veterinary books, know about my friends and my parents too, besides, I can be in my bed while I use my laptop, because it is portable (that is the best part!)

If I didn't have my laptop, I think that I would revise books in the library of the university, I would send more letters to my boyfriend, maybe would not have any photo about me and my friends, any "visual-memorie" of my holydays.... for example.

Well, finally there is a photo of my laptop... it has a fingerprints detector, so this is a very security laptop :D!


  1. karina i love my laptop too, it a present of my high school graduation, and i love it because i choose it , my parent bought it by internet and it´s red!
    see my post, because my favourite technologic piece it´s my old mp3!
    i see you.

  2. My laptop is very small, and I love it too because I can talk with my friends from Viña jejejejje.
    see you in class

  3. My favourite piece of technology is also my laptop!! it's THE BEST! isn't it?
    Hey kari you added me in messenger yesterday! haha sorry I forgot that you gave me your email adress last week :S
