Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Session 1 (introductory post!)

Hi! I'm Karina, and I'm 21 years old. I'm from Villa Alemana, but now I live in Santiago with my sister because I'm studing Veterinary Medicine at University of Chile, I'm in first year. I create this blog because I have to do some activities to my English class. I'm in pre-intermediate level and I think this is an "interactive/didactic" form to learn English, and I like it!, because it's fun too. So, I really hope that this way of improve my English works on me! (pleaaaaaaaase!!)


  1. Hi Karu! nice blog! nice family and nice pets!:D
    bye bye!

  2. jaja! it´s "Nose" but the most of time i called him " noous" from nariz jijiji.

  3. Hi Karina! great blog! I like the phot of the Asteroideos :D
    Did you miss the ocean? I do jajaj because i'm from Antofagasta :D
    see you in class! bye

  4. Good.
    You have a 5.5 (too short, you can do better!!). Also, be careful with the word form.

