Friday, July 24, 2009

Woww....... my blog is sooo boring... jajaja... ok.... in spanish... ('cos my english is not very well....)
aaaaayayai..... asi es la life.... por fin termino el semestre, pero esta a punto de comenzar el segundo y no quiero mas...... se viene muy pesado, bioquimica me asusta, ecologia tambien un poquito, y pienso en que ojalá me hayan dado el ramo electivo (manejo de especies reproductivas)........ por dios que amo mi carrera =)
Acabo de ver el blog de mi prima y me he dado cuenta que el mio es anticuadisimo jajajajajajaja, pero en fin... FB es lo mio parece, no blog... cueck...
Ayer llegue de Talcahuano... y cómo me dolio subirme a ese bus, que por cierto fue bien entrete viajar en ese bus, ya que es primera vez que viajo en el primer asiento de un bus de 2 pisos!! que chori... cuando fuimos a Bari con la Karen, nos toco en el 2º piso tambien, pero en el 2º asiento buu
Mi amorrrrr........................... llega pronto por favor :( que no sabes como te extraño ya! a pesar que solo han pasado 1 dia y medio... pero te extraño tantito =(
Y parece que seria una muy buena idea grabar alguna cancion juntitos mm? "Echo" podría ser ya que mi voz cuando canto contigo parece ser bien aguda y la tuya bien grave y eso me encanta (ydebodecirquemeestasempezandoaconvencerquenocantotantanmal); y Por tí tambien me tinca.
Te amo mucho... lo sabes?

Y me encanta decirte que te amo <3

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Session 2: My favourite piece of technology

Well, my favourite piece of technology is my laptop, I got it in my 19's birthday, when I was studying Biomedical Engineering (2007), my parents gave it to me. (and I was so happy! jajaja)

I use my laptop chiefly to revise universitary documents, save photos, speak by msn with my boyfriend, view my facebook and my e-mail and send e-mails too. Ultimately also I have used my laptop to buy tickets by internet.

I'm used to using it everyday, if I have time, because these last weeks I have been studying all day long and I only turned on my laptop to see my marks.

I love my laptop, because thanks to it, I can know about my boyfriend, view many things, like news, veterinary books, know about my friends and my parents too, besides, I can be in my bed while I use my laptop, because it is portable (that is the best part!)

If I didn't have my laptop, I think that I would revise books in the library of the university, I would send more letters to my boyfriend, maybe would not have any photo about me and my friends, any "visual-memorie" of my holydays.... for example.

Well, finally there is a photo of my laptop... it has a fingerprints detector, so this is a very security laptop :D!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Session 1 (introductory post!)

Hi! I'm Karina, and I'm 21 years old. I'm from Villa Alemana, but now I live in Santiago with my sister because I'm studing Veterinary Medicine at University of Chile, I'm in first year. I create this blog because I have to do some activities to my English class. I'm in pre-intermediate level and I think this is an "interactive/didactic" form to learn English, and I like it!, because it's fun too. So, I really hope that this way of improve my English works on me! (pleaaaaaaaase!!)

My family

Like I said before, I'm from Villa Alemana; it is located in fifth region of Chile, between Quilpue and Limache. Villa Alemana is a small town and it is a "bedroom city", because everyone works in Quilpue, Viña del Mar or Valparaiso.

I was born in Viña del mar city on April 21st, 1988 and I'm the youngest of two sisters.

Here is my sister and me in Santiago (15 years ago aproximately), her name is Karen Aros and she is 28 years old, she's an Industrial Civil Engineer, and now, we live together in Santiago.

Here I'm with my mom! this photo was taken in Valparaiso, and we were watching the New Year's Eve fireworks show with my family in 2009's new year!

My mom is Viviana Villarroel and she taught me my first words in english :), she learnt the language in England, where she lived and studied for about two years . So she loves english language since then, but nowadays she has forgotten some words, because she doesn't practice it.

This is my dad!, he is Adolfo Aros and he loves jogging, in fact, he has participated in many marathons in Viña, Valparaiso and Villa Alemana. On this photo, he is jogging in Viña del Mar, in a place over a hill called "Sausalito". It has a nice pond wich gives the place the name and it is right behind my dad. He is an Electrical Technician from Santa María University, and he works in IST, in Viña del Mar.

We have two dogs, Nona (10 years old) and Koka (5 years old). Nona is a mongrel dog, she is very sedentary, and she is so fat; Koka is a Cocker Spaniel dog, and she is so hiperactive!! jajaja, but both are so cute!